Yes, it’s true! Whoever said, it wouldn’t be possible to install Cruise Control on your Fiat Bravo 198, is a lier. Of course, for the lucky ones with the predisposed Bravo it was easy to buy the arm from the Alfa 147 and simply connect it. But the Bravo T-Jets and some of the M-Jets don’t have the necessary cables/connectors for the Cruise Control.
First i wrote an email to Fiat Italia and asked if it’s possible to install CC aftermarket. Naturally they told me it wouldn’t be possible. But I didn’t give up and began to make some researches on the internet. After reading lots of posts on different forums i knew that I would be the first one to install CC on a non predisposed Fiat Bravo 198.
After checking ePer and eLearn it seemed that there’s only one car wire harness for the T-Jet and the M-Jet, no matter if with or without CC. But the 4 cables were missing in my car. Just like on a few other Bravos.
So i checked ePer and eLearn again, to find out what i would need to install CC. After a couple of days for the research I knew what I needed to know, ordered the Alfa CC Arm and got a harness from a Panda.
Then my father and I began to lay the cables from the motor control unit to the steering wheel and connected them to the CC Arm.
Easy cheeze..
Maybe you think it’s easy to make the cruise control work on your Bravo, but unfortunately it isn’t.
It’s a lot of work! You not only have to lay the cables but you also have to be careful and accurate too, otherwise you could damage your car. And of course it had to look perfect..
So we needed approximately 5 hours to make it work.
Kudos to my father for his patience!
DIY Report
I wrote a description about how we installed it on my car. And you can download it here:
Tell me!
Feel free to leave a comment below if you installed it with the help of my description, if you encountered a problem or if you have a question.
Hallo,du hast Cruise Control im Bravo eingebaut, wo hast du die fehlenden Kabel her?
Hallo Thomas,
die Kabel stammen aus dem Kabelbaum eines Fiat Panda.
Hallo Dado
Vielen Dank für deine Antwort
Kannst du mir noch sagen was für ein Baujahr der Panda in etwa war ?
Ich weiß nicht ob da verschiedene Steckerformen im Laufe der Zeit verbaut worden sind. Alles andere sollte kein Problem sein.
Hi Thomas,
diese Frage kann ich dir leider nicht beantworten, da ich es nicht weiß.
Ich würde dir ohnehin empfehlen, dir die Stecker an deinem Steuergerät anzusehen, und dann entsprechende Kabel/Stecker zu besorgen.
So kannst du sichergehen, dass es später genau zusammenpasst und Kontakt macht.
Fantastic job with the cruise control. I have the same issue with a 1.9 MJET, but I am not sure I will be brave enough to fix. Congratulations for working this out. Well done :)
Hi Marton,
thanks for your comment! I’m glad you liked my work and I hope you’ll manage to install it on your car too.
Btw, a couple of days ago my cruise control became 20.000 km “old” – and it still works perfectly ;)
Hi. Do you have electric scheme for fiat bravo 1.4 tjet 120ps? Is it the same like in 150ps version? Thank you.
I’m sorry, but I do not have the electric scheme for the 120ps tjet. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if it is the same as the one for the 150ps version. I can’t even tell if it is still the same for your MY as it was for my car.
Please check the electric schemes of your model before you touch anything.
is there a solution for Benzin?
I can’t finde a solution and I am so sad about that.
I see your description but its for Diesel, right?!
So, its diffrent to Controlsystem of Bezin.
How did you figured out to connect the CC corectly?
May I can do it simultan to Benzin. . .
What ever good Job Buddy
it’s actually for the gasoline model, the Fiat Bravo 198 1,4 T-Jet Sport (110kw). So if you have a T-Jet, it could/should be applicable on your car too. But be absolutely sure to check that all the schemes in the description match to the devices on your car! Otherwise you could heavily damage your Bravo.
Since my document is 2 years old now, there could have been some changes in the electronic. I hardly recommend you to check this first!
I followed your tuto just to check if my lancia Delta has the necessary or not…
When I remove the connector, i can’t identify the 61, 84, 85 and 86 slots…
How to identify them please?
Since there are no written numbers on them?
I guess you’re talking about the connector at the MCU (M010)?
As far as I remember, the numbers were written on the plug itself. At least on my Bravo. I can’t remember if on the backside (gray) or the front (black, which goes into the jack) though.
Alright, so I checked.. Turns out, the numbers are written on the grey part of the plug, but not for every single slot. You’ll find the number 73 in the lower right corner (looking from above), and the number 82 in the lower center. Just count the slots in between to get the corresponding numbers.
Thank you so much…. i will check…
what is the best way to dismantle the bravo steering wheel???
You don’t need to do anything with the steering wheel! Just remove the upper and lower part of the plastic cover between dashboard and steering wheel.
Hi David,
I have a Bravo 1.4 TJet of 2009, Automatic Transmission, Petrol engine.
I would like to know if I can install cruise control on to this car. I would like to know if I have pre-installed wiring or do I need to do all the stuff shown in your doc.
Your response is appreciated.
Hi Asmeel,
unfortunately I can’t tell you. You have to check on your car by – at least – taking off the covers around the steering wheel. If there’s the white, unused connector, you’re one of the lucky ones. *fingers crossed*
Otherwise you’d have to do the full procedure as I did.
Hi David,
I opened it today. I’m the lucky one as you said. I have it…
Now I’ll buy the CC lever.
Hi Ashmeel,
I’m glad to hear that! Good luck with the installation!
ciao complimenti per la spiegazione, ho acquistato una leva cruise 147 per la mia bravo 1.4 t-jet 150cv del 2009 volevo sapere se come lavoro è difficle e che tipo di pin ci vogliono per inserirli nel connettore?
non capisco bene la parte finale dove parli di un fusibile da 5 ampere.
ti ringrazio anticipatamente
p.s. ce un modo per contartarti in privato?
Ciao Tony,
come lavoro non è difficile a inserire i pin. Devi solo stare attento che altri pin non escano dal connettore.
Io ho propio utilizzato i cavi di un fascio di cablaggio di una panda, dove i pin erano già presenti. Ho sentito che anche i cavi di un floppy drive abbiano pin compatibili, pero non posso verificarlo.
Il fusibile da 5 ampere ho inserito tra leva e chiave per motivi di sicurezza, per evitare che entra troppa corrente nella leva e quindi nella centralina.
P.S.: Preferirei che ci scriviamo qui, così altri possono leggere e approfittare della nostra conversazione.
Hi, I have Lancia Delta t-jet 150 platino, and unfortunately doesn’t have cruise control. I am interested in your work and I wonder if this can be done to my car in a same way as your, and where can I buy necessary equipment. Thanks, Greeting from Macedonia
I’m really sorry, but I have absolutely no knowledge about that. You could check if your car’s got the cable/connector behind your steering wheel. But if not, I fear I cannot help you at all and it’s your turn to check out the details about how to fit cruise control in your car.
All the best, David
I was not so lucky… There isn’t any free connectors but I haven’t check M010 connector yet… I should do this exactly as you have done. I just ordered alfa 147 CC arm,
Hello can you please give more info about this procedure :
“I connected the power for the CC arm to the plus (+) of the ignition lock, using a 5A fuse.”
How can i do it?
When you turn your key, current runs through the plus cable, coming from the ignition lock. I connected the CC arm to this cable, in order to make it work, when the car is on. To protect the electronics in the CC arm, and the M010, I put a 5 ampere fuse between the two. To connect the cables, I used a clamp connection.
Hi David, I saw your pdf on a dutch forum years ago when I wanted to buy a GP. I didn’t need it back then because the one I bought already had one.
Now I just bought a Bravo 1.4 Multiair Sport without CC, I will check the MCU this week and will surely let you know.
Great that you still have this online!!
Greatings from Holland
You’re welcome, I’m glad somebody still uses it!
Greetings back from Italy
Weldone David, BTW do you have electric scheme for fiat bravo 1.6 MJD?
Hi Sinan,
I’m sorry but unfortunately I don’t. Maybe the guys over at the fiat bravo forum can help you (german forum).
Hi David,
I have found it, its the same as 1.9 engine pins.
kann man die CruiseControl Einrichtung auch im Bravo mit 1.4 Motor 90PS einbauen?
Hallo Paul,
diese Frage kann ich dir leider nicht beantworten, da ich nicht weiß, ob MCU und Pin Belegung die selben sind. Generell würde ich diese Frage nicht pauschal beantworten, da die Modelle je nach Baujahr doch etwas variieren und das ein Risiko darstellt. Versuch dir vom Händler/der Werkstätte deines Vertrauens technische Zeichnungen zu besorgen, mit denen du vergleichen kannst.
Hi, I have Lancia Delta t-jet 120 oro,2009 no connector ,but i make one .and it works.
Thanks. gretings from Holland
Hi David,
Thanks to you, my 2007 Bravo 1.9 M-Jet now has cruise control :) All the cabling was already in place, so installing an Alfa 147 cruise arm was rather simple. I most certainly would not have attempted this on my own, so thank you very much for documenting the procedure.
Greetings from Finland,
/ Sakari
I have an Bravo Dynamic 2008, 1,6mjtd, 90CV, eco pack purO2. Have any ideea about the electrical scheme to fit cruise control?
Thank you
Hi Marin,
Unfortunately I do not have access to such documents anymore, so I’m afraid I cannot help you in this case.