The newest version of Chrome (17.0.963.46) is a bit of a trouble maker – at least on Windows 7 x64. Seems like the border-radius property causes a bug, which fills the background of the element with its borders color – not entirely, but partly at a height of height x ~0,50-0,52.
Deactivating the border-radius seems to “fix” it, and scrolling has also some effects on it.
Update 09.02.2012 14:48
Same story on Windows XP x32.
Update 10.02.2012 10:51
The bug seems to be related to the width of the border and the border-radius. Changing these values produces even weirder display errors. If the border-radius is bigger than the border-width, the background isn’t affected anymore, instead a border-left/-right appears (demo4) up to the same height as the background earlier.
The combination of border-top and border-bottom produces a similar problem (demo5), the top border fills up the other part of the element. If the border-radius value is higher than the border-width, the same effect as above occurs (demo6).
The bug doesn’t appear, if a border-left/-right is added to the element.
Update 15.02.2012 11:01
In the meantime, I added my report to an existing issue #113368 on Google Code. Additionally, there’s another issue (#113726) report (thanks Dave). Since issue #113726 seems more active, I’d suggest to file future experiences there.
Update 19.02.2012 14:57
The update to 17.0.963.56 stable from Wednesday, Feb. 15th had no impact on this bug.
Update 02.03.2012 08:49
Since nobody seems to care about this bug at Google/Chromium, i had to figure out a workaround – quick and dirty. Not the best solution though, but at least the websites don’t look too fucked up:
Update 07.03.2012 16:40
I just updated to Chrome 17.0.963.66 stable, still no bugfix.
Update 16.04.2012 08:55
Wow.. looks like in 18.0.1025.162 the bug has been fixed.
Chrome (17.0.963.46) on Linux also has this issue. Chrome on Mac seems fine.
Hi Dave, thanks for your reply. Meanwhile I found an issue on Google Code and added my expiriences.
Maybe you could report yours too, so that they know its a urgent thing. Cheers
Done. I found a couple of bugs about this issue and noted them.
I can confirm the glitch hasn’t been fixed in 18.0.1025.11 beta on Mac nor Windows
Damn that’s not good news.. Anyway thanks for your feedback, Martin. Still, would you mind, adding your finding to the issue #113726 on Google Code too?
I never encountered the issue on Mac. Just Linux and Windows.
I have added it to the issue #113726 now
This bug has made it to Chrome on Mac (18.0.1025.142). Still not fixed!
I hear you.. It’s in 18.0.1025.142 on Windows too. At least Chrome has cool new features after each update.. [/irony]